Neu-Weimar village located on maps

Finally located some good maps showing locations of the Volga German colony villages of Alt-Weimar and Neu-Weimar. Turns out they were at the very bottom, or southern tip, of all the German Volga settlements. Makes them easy to locate on maps, if they are actually identified.

Here are links to three maps, two showing Neu-Weimar and the last one showing the Volga German region in proximity to Moscow and the Black Sea (Schwarzes Meer).
- Neu-Weimar at very bottom of map
- Neu-Weimar clear at bottom of map
- note Dobrinka Village location on Volga (early Dieterle settlers there)
- red spots are German settlements (mother colonies)
- Dieterle family came from far right Volga Samara
large red patch (east of Moscow)

It really helps to see where the Dieterle families were living.


    I also investigate on the village neu weimar, my ancesters comes of there. My name is Martin Germán Weimer and my blog
    We are in contact. Martin

    I live in Buenos aires Argentina


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